Friday, November 4, 2011

Three recent gluten-free recipe adventures...

It’s been a busy week of gluten-free cooking!  Here’s what I’ve been up to…

Earlier in the week, I tried my hand at making homemade Thai-style food...   

I love the fact that Thai Kitchen has so many gluten-free foods available, but I can’t have all of them because I’m a wuss when it comes to spicy stuff, and some of the sauces they have in their microwaveable meals are pretty spicy.  So instead, I bought a package of their plain gluten-free rice noodles, melted peanut butter in the microwave to create my own non-spicy peanut sauce, and added some carrots and broccoli.  The results: Pretty good for a first try.  The sauce was a little thick; next time, I’ll have to find a way to thin it out a little.  I also didn’t realize (until after I’d started cooking them) that the noodles made 8 servings!  Needless to say, I was eating a lot of homemade Thai food dinners and lunches.  Luckily, at least it’s a healthy meal…it’s got grains, protein, and veggies in it—and no gluten!—so I think it was a pretty smart choice!

I also made gluten-free brownies for the first time.  I used Trader Joe’s gluten-free brownie mix, which was surprisingly easy to use...   

It was easy to mix (all I had to mix was one egg, vegetable oil, some water, and the brownie mix), and it only took a little over a half-hour to bake.  This, too, was not bad for a first try, but I’ve learned a few lessons for next time.  The bag of brownie mix says that after 30 minutes, stick a toothpick in the brownie pan to see if it comes out clean.  Mine didn’t come out quite clean, so I kept baking it maybe an extra 6 minutes.  Consequently, while the brownies were tasty and surprisingly gooey (yum!),  the top of them was a little bit crunchy.  I think next time I’ll just bake them for the recommended 30 minutes regardless of whether or not the toothpick comes out clean.  I also think I might jazz them up with a little peanut butter or raspberry preserves swirled into the top of the brownies, but first I want to master making the brownies without the top being crispy.  And, last but not least, I realized that an entire pan of brownies is waaaaaaaay too much for a little thing like me to eat on my own.  Next time I may have to make these brownies with my boyfriend so he can take a few of ‘em off my hands. 

And finally, I’ve come up with a really yummy snack to bring to work.  I got a bag of Food Should Taste Good’s Chocolate chips (all their chips are gluten-free) at Whole Foods.  I figured these would either be really good or really gross.  Luckily, they were really good!  They’re good on their own, but they’re also good with banana.  I’ve been bringing a serving of the chips to work along with a banana.   I break the rectangular chips in half, break off a piece of banana, put the banana on the chip, and…MMM!  A snack that’s yummy, healthy, and definitely not boring.  These chips have plenty of fiber, and of course the banana is healthy and packed with potassium, so you could definitely do much worse for a snack!

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